Episode 50: Peter Rushford

Episode 50: Peter Rushford

Episode 50:
PETER RUSHFORD: The Maker Of Impossibly Good Trail Mix

There are trail mixes. And then. there. are. t r a i l m i x e s.

Shār (pronounced "share") definitely falls in the 2nd camp. Peter Rushford spent 36 months and 59, yes FIFTY NINE, iterations in his discovery and creation of the p e r f e c t trail mix. During this time, he landed on just 9 ingredients with the exact right combination of flavors, textures, and proportions. Once the combination of ingredients was perfected, he then spent the next 12 months searching for the best of each ingredient from around the world to make sure each was organic and responsibly sourced from small family-owned farms. Ingredients that are grown the way nature intended, free of chemicals, fertilizers, and pesticides. So, this trail mix isn't just trail mix. It's crafted with love, intentionality, and precision. And it's Good for your body. Good for the earth. Good for your taste buds.

To follow Peter and Shār:

1 comment

  • Coni Lefferts

    Couldn’t pull away from the podcast. Emails were flowing in, phone calls unanswered. As Peter said make it “Amazing”. Thank you. BTW, heard about OME today on the WEGG wegginar.

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